Category: Message from the Director

A Message from the Director

Hello, Colorado SKIES Families! Last week I mentioned the changes and growth Colorado SKIES is experiencing, and I’m thrilled to share some wonderful news! The construction fencing is up, and as of Thursday, we were approved for the bond that…

A Veterans Day Message from the Director

Dear CSA families, On Monday, November 11, we observe Veterans Day, honoring those who have served our country in the Armed Forces, including valued members of our Colorado SKIES Academy community, some of whom are are currently serving and some…

Message from the Director

Dear Colorado SKIES Families, Every new venture goes through changes and a growing period. Colorado SKIES Academy is no exception. This past week we have tested and refined our delayed start plan, early release plan, and snow day plan —…

Message from the Director

Hi, Colorado SKIES Families, The school and the Board of Directors are guiding the school through a very exciting time: the process of finalizing the permanent financing for CSA’s new building. There are many, many people involved in an undertaking…

Message from the Director

Hello, Colorado SKIES Families and Welcome Back from Fall Break! While you were relaxing and enjoying your time, our facilitators were putting some refinements on the upcoming projects and have some amazing plans made. Drones in Modern Society, Life on…

Message from the Director

Hello, Colorado SKIES Families! As all of our learners enjoy a well-deserved Fall Break, we are already preparing for their return. On Tuesday, October 22nd, Lifetouch will be taking school pictures from 8-10:30 a.m. A flier was sent home with…

Message from the Director

Hello Colorado SKIES Families! We are anxiously awaiting our first Individualized Learning Plan meetings with you and your learner. You should have received information from your Advisory facilitator to sign up for your ILP meeting.  The times are: Thursday, October…

Message from the Director

Happy Fall to Our Colorado SKIES Community! On October 10th, 11th, and 14th, we will be conducting our first Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) meetings with learners and their parents/guardians. These are a lot like Parent/Teacher Conferences, with a twist. Since…

Message from the Director

Happy Fall to Our Colorado SKIES Community! Fall is my favorite season, when we move from the warmth and activity that summer brings, to the cold and activity that Colorado winters bring.  Let’s face it — Colorado winters are our…

Message from the Director

Hello Colorado SKIES Academy community! First of all, a huge THANK YOU to all of you who supported our transition by providing contributions, man hours in putting us “all together”, getting things we needed, etc. We continue to identify and…

Message from the Director

Dear Colorado SKIES Academy Families and Friends, Words cannot adequately express how important the warm wishes, friendly waves, happy smiles, and contributions of time and energy have been as we moved into our modulars! Yes, we are IN! We had…

Message from the Director

Dear Colorado SKIES Academy Families and Friends, The most pressing question on everyone’s mind is, “When do we get into the modulars?” This is a question I have been asking throughout the week. During our regular Thursday OAC (Owner-Architect-Construction) meeting…

Message from the Director

Dear Colorado SKIES Academy Community, Our inaugural week was phenomenal! Our learners experienced firsthand what an engineering design challenge is all about, from a rudimentary beginning to a much more refined end product with additional constraints needing to be met….

Message from the Director

Dear Colorado SKIES Academy Community, Opening day has finally arrived! Monday, August 19th, is National Aviation Day and Colorado SKIES Academy is cleared for takeoff! There is a host of wonderful plans in place for all of our learners along…