What is Project-Based Learning?

At Colorado SKIES Academy, Project-Based Learning (PBL) is at the core of what we do. PBL is a teaching method in which students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects, preparing them for life in the global economy.

Through PBL, learners (what we call students at CSA) tackle engaging projects about real-world issues that require critical thought and inquiry, culminating in Presentations of Learning (POLs) to their peers, facilitators, parents, and community members.

PBL teaches learners to accept feedback, create solutions, and present their findings in a high-performance context, preparing them for the rigors of the 21st-century economy and the challenges of a global world.

What Does PBL Accomplish?

PBL makes school more engaging for learners.
PBL improves learning.
PBL builds success skills for college, career, and life.
PBL helps address standards.
PBL provides opportunities for learners to use technology.
PBL makes teaching more enjoyable and rewarding.
PBL connects learners and schools with communities and the real world.

Take a Deeper Dive

To learn more about how we approach curriculum, click here.

Want to learn more about the philosophy behind PBL? Click here