` Monday Message - September 12, 2022 - Colorado SKIES Academy

Monday message 09.12.2022

Colorful board with the words "make this day great!" on it

Dear Colorado SKIES Academy Families,

Please note that there is NO SCHOOL MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. Thank you for your flexibility! Our website now displays the updated 2022-23 Academic Calendar; please take a look at your earliest convenience. Aside from events like unexpected snow days, there should be no other changes to the calendar this year.

This week, be watching your email for additional information from Colorado SKIES, including news of a Parent Town Hall meeting for you to ask me questions about myself or the operation and future of our school. I look forward to answering your questions and speaking to your concerns!

Have a great week!


Katie Dutton

CSA School Director


Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events Colorado Skies Academy

Note: Please click the links below to learn more about each event.

Weekly In-Person Tours and Information Sessions:
School Tours for Prospective Families, 10:30-11:30 am, 4:30-5:30 pm on Tuesdays

Monday, February 12:
Simulator Training, 8:30-10:00 am

Monday, February 12:
Talk, Chris Wright, CEO of Liberty Energy, “Bettering Human Lives: Perspectives on Energy, Climate, and Poverty,” 10:00-11:00 am

Friday, February 16:
Simulator Training, 9:30-11:00 am

Thursday, February 22:
Regular Board Meeting, 5:45 pm, CSA
Please join us to hear from the CSA learners about their trip to India!

Friday, February 23:
Simulator Training, 9:30-11:00 am

Saturday, February 24:
Public Safety Day, 10:00-2:00 pm

Monday, February 26:
Simulator Training, 8:30-11:00 am

More details to come, but please be aware that the next Presentation of Learning for 6th grade will be on Tuesday, March 5th and for 7th grade on Wednesday, March 6th.

*Admittance to Exploration of Flight is free for CSA Learners with their student membership. The EoF staff has a list of current CSA learners so all they need to do is give their name!

New CSA families receive a 20% discount on family memberships to Wings Over the Rockies Museum, valid at both museum locations (Centennial & Lowry). A daily entry fee may also be paid to gain entry to the events at the museum. Please contact christa.coryell@coloradoskiesacademy.org for more information about museum memberships for CSA families.

B-17 at Wings Over the Rockies

Coming up September 17-22, the Wings Over the Rockies Exploration of Flight and the Commemorative Air Force will host the B-17 Showcase! This historic aircraft was the first Flying Fortress restored solely for educational purposes and to WWII configuration with…

Intro to Schoology

Are you and your learner struggling to navigate Schoology? Great news — we have a video for that! Watch Intro to Schoology, a 27-minute long video designed to help you and your learner use Schoology with confidence. This video includes…

Kona Ice Fridays

This Friday, September 16 (and every other week after that while it’s warm outside), Kona Ice will be at CSA at 1:15 PM for dismissal. Come by and purchase a delicious, icy treat for yourself or someone you love and…

After-School Clubs

We are happy to see so many of our learners participating in our After School Clubs this quarter, as it means that we can more deeply engage our learners and provide families with some flexibility in their evening schedules. To…