` Monday Message - October 17, 2022 - Colorado SKIES Academy

Monday message 10.17.2022

Dear Colorado SKIES Academy Families,

I hope your week is off to a great start!

There are many things to highlight during this final week of the quarter; please check out the “Upcoming Events” table as well as the detailed articles below for more information regarding:

  • NO SCHOOL Monday, Oct. 24
  • Spirit Week
  • Quarter 2 Changes
  • Honoring Our Learners
  • Planners
  • Verizon Wireless Benefit – Donors Choose & Starbucks
  • CSA Communication Preferences
  • Thought of the Week

Thank you for your attention to these important issues; please feel free to reach out to me with additional questions and concerns!

With gratitude,

Katie Dutton

School Director

Red Robin Spirit Night: February 18

Colorado Skies Academy - Spirit Night

CSA Families! We have a spirit night coming up on February 18th at Red Robin

For every person who visits Red Robin on February 18th and says “We are here because of Colorado Skies Academy”, we get 20% of those sales! This is a very easy and quick way to raise money for CSA. 

Please post on social media, tell your friends, and tell other families!! If you do post, please send me a screenshot of your post and you will receive volunteer hours. Click here to learn more about this opportunity.  

As always, thank you for all the support that you give our learners, our facilitators, and CSA. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Shawna Lucas, Care Team/Librarian, shawna.lucas@coloradoskiesacademy.org

"info" text on pink background

Academic Calendar Change – NO SCHOOL MONDAY, OCTOBER 24!

We are making some adjustments to our daily schedule and operations beginning in the second quarter. These changes, which are addressed in more detail below, will require the facilitators to spend a significant amount of time planning before the start…

Verizon Wireless Benefit – Donors Choose & Starbucks!

This is a unique opportunity to support our school as well as yourself! If you have Verizon Wireless, please go into the “Verizon Up” part of the app. There you will find a $10 Donors Choose reward and a Starbucks…

Quarter 2 Changes

At CSA, we have spent the first quarter of this school year getting our most crucial systems in place, working out the snags, and listening to your feedback. Based on all we have learned, we are going to be making…

Planners for Quarter 2

It’s been fun to watch the facilitators and learners start to use their Executive Functioning planners toward the end of this quarter! We only printed them for the first quarter to keep the size manageable (and give them less to…

Honoring Our Learners

Next week we will be announcing the 5 Learners of Merit for the first quarter! Each learner chosen will receive a framed certificate and will also get their photo taken for our soon-to-be-unveiled Wall of Fame, to be displayed throughout…

CSA Communications

We have heard loud and clear that communication has been challenging, and we have been trying a few different things to alleviate this area of concern. Now it’s time to hear from YOU — what modes of communication work best…

Thought of the Week

“Working without downtime reduces efficiency and creativity and often invites emotional, psychological, and physical stress. The brain needs downtime to remain productive, gain perspective and generate innovative ideas. Downtime gives the mind an opportunity to make unexpected connections and provide…