` Monday Message - November 8, 2021 - Colorado SKIES Academy

Monday message 11.08.2021

Colorado SKIES Academy learners projects

Director’s Message

Dear CSA Families, 

November is a great time to be consciously grateful for things and people in our life. At CSA, we are grateful for our beautiful school building, our amazing learners and families, as well as our wonderful facilitators and staff.  Gratitude can be thought of as small acts of acknowledging what and for whom one is grateful. For example, this could be as simple as calling up a friend and telling them how much they mean to you. 

This month at CSA, we will be encouraging our learners to express gratitude. Writing, speaking and reflecting on one thing you are grateful for each day can positively impact your health and wellness. Join us in sharing gratitude. Write a note to your learner and let them know how much you appreciate them.  Show your gratitude to a neighbor, a CSA staff member or facilitator.

This week, CSA facilitators will be sharing an academic progress email with each family.  This communication is to inform you of your learner’s current progress.  Please feel free to contact your learner’s facilitator with any questions you have.   


Anne Wodetzki

Colorado SKIES Academy 

School Director


Cell Phone 219-255-8130

Red Robin Spirit Night: February 18

Colorado Skies Academy - Spirit Night

CSA Families! We have a spirit night coming up on February 18th at Red Robin

For every person who visits Red Robin on February 18th and says “We are here because of Colorado Skies Academy”, we get 20% of those sales! This is a very easy and quick way to raise money for CSA. 

Please post on social media, tell your friends, and tell other families!! If you do post, please send me a screenshot of your post and you will receive volunteer hours. Click here to learn more about this opportunity.  

As always, thank you for all the support that you give our learners, our facilitators, and CSA. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Shawna Lucas, Care Team/Librarian, shawna.lucas@coloradoskiesacademy.org

Veterans' Day

Veterans’ Day

The Parent Action Committee (PAC) is working on plans for CSA’s Veterans’ Day commemoration on Wednesday, November 10th. Please mark your calendars now. More information to follow. If you are interested in helping plan this wonderful event please email ColoSkies.PAC@gmail.com….

Parent Action Committee Colorado Skies Academy

Parent Action Committee (PAC)

The next PAC meeting will be on Monday November 15th at 5:30 The PAC is looking to start Student Body Representatives in order to help bring the learners’ wants to life in their school.

Halloween Costumes CSA

Check Out Our Pre-Halloween Costume Day Video

Our learners had a great time on Friday, October 29th as part of their pre-Halloween festivities with our annual costume day. Check out this video showing our creative and enthusiastic our learners are. Thank you learners for a great day. We…

Aviation Movies Featured Image

Aviation Movie Fridays

Every Friday after school between November 12th and December 17th, our CSA Movie Club Presents Aviation Movie Friday. Join us very Friday after school for an aviation-themed movie, discussions, activities and refreshments. See flyer below for registration.  

After School Tutoring Colorado Skies Academy

After School Support

Colorado SKIES Academy now offers free after school tutoring and support in Language Arts and Math. If you are interested in scheduling regular support, please contact anne.wodetzki@coloradoskiesacademy.org to signup.  Tutoring will be available Monday through Thursday from 3:45 – 4:45…

Clubs Colorado Skies Academy

Before School Clubs

Colorado SKIES Academy doors are open each morning at 7:00 AM.  All learners will be invited to join morning clubs hosted by CSA facilitators. 

kids playing with snowman

Preparing for Winter Weather

We want to encourage you and your family to join us in planning for winter-related weather that could cause a school delay, early dismissal or school cancelation. Colorado SKIES Academy will be using the following guidelines to make every effort…


Podcasts Are Effective Learning Tool

Podcasts have become extremely popular. But they are not only popular with adults. They can be very popular with young learners as well. Podcasts can provide new subject matter that not only keeps learners more engaged, but also allows them…