` Monday Message - December 6, 2021 - Colorado SKIES Academy

Monday message 12.06.2021

Colorado Skies Academy

Director’s Message

Dear CSA Families,

On Monday, Nov. 29, the School Accountability Committee (SAC) held its first meeting in the CSA Village. The meeting discussed topics, concerns and priorities for Colorado SKIES Academy.

  • School Culture & Climate
  • Bullying
  • Assessments & Test Data
  • Digital Safety
  • Athletics & Clubs
  • Enrollment

We appreciate all parents for attending and participating in a meaningful dialogue. If you were unable to attend this meeting please join us for the next meeting on Monday, Dec. 13 at 4 p.m. in the CSA Village.

As always please let me know if I can assist you in any way.


Anne Wodetzki

CSA School Director


Cell Phone 219-255-8130

Red Robin Spirit Night: February 18

Colorado Skies Academy - Spirit Night

CSA Families! We have a spirit night coming up on February 18th at Red Robin

For every person who visits Red Robin on February 18th and says “We are here because of Colorado Skies Academy”, we get 20% of those sales! This is a very easy and quick way to raise money for CSA. 

Please post on social media, tell your friends, and tell other families!! If you do post, please send me a screenshot of your post and you will receive volunteer hours. Click here to learn more about this opportunity.  

As always, thank you for all the support that you give our learners, our facilitators, and CSA. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Shawna Lucas, Care Team/Librarian, shawna.lucas@coloradoskiesacademy.org

An apple on a stock of books, Welcome new CSA Board President

Open Position on CSA Board

The Colorado SKIES Academy board of directors has an open position. If you are interested, please click here to fill out the application and email it to Christa.coryell.board@coloradoskiesacademy.org

Attendance Colorado Skies Academy


We encourage all learners to be on time and in attendance every day. Missing a day of school often creates learning gaps, stress over assignments, and lost opportunities. Please let us know if your learner is ill or unable to…

Free Youth Mental Health Program

Free Youth Mental Health Program

On Oct. 27, Colorado launched I Matter, a program that provides up to three free counseling sessions for any Colorado youth. More than 700 counseling appointments have been scheduled or completed as of Nov.18, and I Matter has contracts with…

Bullying Curriculum

Bullying Curriculum

As we all know, bullying is a recurring problem throughout schools. To best prevent and stop bullying, here at CSA, we are implementing a curriculum explicitly focused on understanding what bullying looks like and how to stop this throughout the…

Health Update

Health Update

As we come into the holiday season, we would like to remind everyone to be safe while on break. The state is seeing an increase of cases in Influenza A and B, Norovirus, Rhinovirus, RSV, Parainfluenza, and the Adenovirus. Remind…

Re-Enrollment Colorado Skies Academy


If you plan on your learner attending CSA for the 2022-23 school year, please click here to the form by January 14th. Our open enrollment will be on Jan. 17th, and if you have not filled out this form your…

Colorado Skies Academy

PAC Opportunities

PAC-You can help CSA in lots of ways, below you will find a few different ways to support them!  King Soopers-CSA will receive a portion of your grocery bill every time you shop using your phone number at checkout. EASY…

School Accountability Committee

SAC – School Accountability Committee

Our next SAC meeting is Monday, December 13, at 4 PM in the Village.  SAC meetings allow parents, staff members, learners, and community members to play active roles in decision-making. We will discuss survey items, and host an open forum…

Friday Afternoon Movie

Friday Afternoon Movie Signup

Every Friday, CSA will host Movie Matinees from 1:30-4 PM. Learners will enjoy movies, games, and contests. Snacks and refreshments will be provided.  Sign – Up Here.

After School Tutoring Colorado Skies Academy

After School Support

Colorado SKIES Academy now offers free after school tutoring and support in Language Arts and Math. If you are interested in scheduling regular support, please contact anne.wodetzki@coloradoskiesacademy.org to signup.  Tutoring will be available Monday through Thursday from 3:45 – 4:45…