` Monday Message - December 05, 2022 - Colorado SKIES Academy

Monday message 12.05.2022

frozen red leaf winter

Red Robin Spirit Night: February 18

Colorado Skies Academy - Spirit Night

CSA Families! We have a spirit night coming up on February 18th at Red Robin

For every person who visits Red Robin on February 18th and says “We are here because of Colorado Skies Academy”, we get 20% of those sales! This is a very easy and quick way to raise money for CSA. 

Please post on social media, tell your friends, and tell other families!! If you do post, please send me a screenshot of your post and you will receive volunteer hours. Click here to learn more about this opportunity.  

As always, thank you for all the support that you give our learners, our facilitators, and CSA. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Shawna Lucas, Care Team/Librarian, shawna.lucas@coloradoskiesacademy.org

box with "donate" written on it

Easy Volunteer Opportunities

Thank you to our wonderful Fundraising Committee parents have been hard at work establishing simple ways for us to direct additional funds to our school! Below is a little information on two easy ways you can participate. King Soopers Rewards…

person wearing volunteer pin

Volunteers Needed

Calling all flexibly working parents! We have officially entered the half of the year when snow falls, and we need your help. CSA has not been able to hire an on-site facilities/maintenance employee, so when it snows in the middle…

stethoscope on paper

6th Grade Immunization Records DUE DEC. 12

The state of Colorado requires that all students receive the Tdap vaccine prior to entry into 6th grade. Schools are required to collect proof of immunization from all incoming 6th-grade students, document it, and send a report to the state in January…

lightbulb drawn on chalkboard

Thought of the Week

“Reflect upon your present blessings—of which every man has many—not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.”  – Charles Dickens