Monday message 04.03.2023

"hello April" spelled in tiles on a brown background

Dear Colorado Skies Academy Families,

Congratulations to the Foxtrot Squadron, who has been named our Honor Squadron this month for earning the most points during March! Way to go, everyone!

This week is one of the most important weeks of the year, as we will be conducting the bulk of our CMAS testing. While there may be reasons to exempt your learner from testing, please think carefully before doing so.

Not only is the high-stakes experience valuable for all learners, but as a school, we rely on the data provided to set the course for our school and identify areas of improvement. Additionally, there are many grants and other funding opportunities that require a high percentage of participation on the CMAS tests, and if we do not hit these high percentages, we are no longer eligible for these funds. If at all possible, we strongly encourage every CSA student to participate in testing.

Thank you in advance for your support! You can find more details about the testing schedule and expectations in the “CMAS Information” article below. Please check out the “Upcoming Events” calendar as well as the detailed articles below for more information regarding:

  • CMAS Information
  • Nothing Bundt Cakes Fundraiser
  • Annual Parent Survey Reminder
  • Thought of the Week

Thank you for your attention to these important issues. As always, feel free to reach out to me with additional questions and concerns!


Red Robin Spirit Night: February 18

Colorado Skies Academy - Spirit Night

CSA Families! We have a spirit night coming up on February 18th at Red Robin

For every person who visits Red Robin on February 18th and says “We are here because of Colorado Skies Academy”, we get 20% of those sales! This is a very easy and quick way to raise money for CSA. 

Please post on social media, tell your friends, and tell other families!! If you do post, please send me a screenshot of your post and you will receive volunteer hours. Click here to learn more about this opportunity.  

As always, thank you for all the support that you give our learners, our facilitators, and CSA. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Shawna Lucas, Care Team/Librarian,

beige background with the text "CMAS Testing"

CMAS Testing Information

We are excited to provide an opportunity for our learners to participate in this year’s round of testing to gauge their progress and continue receiving necessary grant funding! We have worked hard to create a schedule that will get through…

bundt cake with white frosting on a tray

Nothing Bundt Cakes Fundraiser

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Nothing Bundt Cakes fundraiser! As of Wednesday, March 29, we are still working on finalizing numbers to identify contest winners. We will announce our winners as soon as we can!

the word feedback stamped on paper

Annual Parent Survey Reminder

Each spring we reach out to our parents, students, and staff to collect feedback about our school. While all feedback is important and valuable, these survey results, in particular, will be analyzed by our School Accountability Committee. They will be…

lightbulb drawn on chalkboard

Thought of the Week

“Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do, and at some point, you will.” – Venus Williams