Category: Culture & Curriculum

Learner Led Conferences

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” — Plutarch An important component of Colorado SKIES Academy’s approach to project-based learning is empowering kids to take ownership of their work. One way we do…

Individualized Learning Plans: September 21 & 22

Colorado SKIES Academy embraces the whole child, focusing on both social-emotional and academic skills. At the start of each school year, in lieu of the traditional parent/teacher conference, learners and their facilitators, in collaboration with parents/guardians, create an Individualized Learning…

Individualized Learning Plans

Colorado SKIES Academy embraces the whole child, focusing on both social-emotional and academic skills. At the start of each school year, in lieu of the traditional parent/teacher conference, learners and their facilitators, in collaboration with parents/guardians, create an Individualized Learning…

Individualized Learning Plans

Colorado SKIES Academy embraces the whole child, focusing on both social-emotional and academic skills. At the start of each school year, in lieu of the traditional parent/teacher conference, learners and their facilitators, in collaboration with parents/guardians, create an Individualized Learning…

Individualized Learning Plans: September 21 & 22

Colorado SKIES Academy embraces the whole child, focusing on both social-emotional and academic skills. At the start of each school year, in lieu of the traditional parent/teacher conference, learners and their facilitators, in collaboration with parents/guardians, create an Individualized Learning…

Colorado SKIES Academy Culture: Project-Based Learning

Editor’s note: This is one in a regular series of articles exploring the pillars and core principles of the CSA approach to education. Spend even just a few moments inquiring about Colorado SKIES Academy’s approach to education, and one of…

Counseling and Mental Health

Internal vs External Control One thing we may all agree on is that our world can feel very uncertain at times. For our learners, their relationships with friends, family, and more broadly, social media, can be both a source of…

Colorado SKIES Academy Culture: Components of Social-Emotional Learning — Curiosity

Editor’s note: This is one in a regular series of articles exploring the pillars and core principles of the CSA approach to education. “Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.”…

Counseling and Mental Health

Internal vs External Control One thing we may all agree on is that our world can feel very uncertain at times. For our learners, their relationships with friends, family, and more broadly, social media, can be both a source of…

Counseling and Mental Health

Internal vs External Control One thing we may all agree on is that our world can feel very uncertain at times. For our learners, their relationships with friends, family, and more broadly, social media, can be both a source of…

Counseling and Mental Health

Internal vs External Control One thing we may all agree on is that our world can feel very uncertain at times. For our learners, their relationships with friends, family, and more broadly, social media, can be both a source of…

Colorado SKIES Academy Culture: Whole-Child Development

Editor’s note: This is one in a regular series of articles exploring the pillars and core principles of the CSA approach to education. Social-emotional learning at Colorado SKIES Academy is integral to our whole-child educational approach.  A whole-child mindset means…

Colorado SKIES Academy Culture: Project-Based Learning

Editor’s note: This is one in a regular series of articles exploring the pillars and core principles of the CSA approach to education. Spend even just a few moments inquiring about Colorado SKIES Academy’s approach to education, and one of…

Colorado SKIES Academy Culture: Components of Social-Emotional Learning — Gratitude

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson Did…

Colorado SKIES Academy Culture: Components of Social-Emotional Learning — Zest

“Enthusiasm is the electricity of life.” —Gordon Parks Central to the Colorado SKIES Academy approach to project-based learning is a belief that education works best when it’s energetic. Rather than being stale and rote, it’s filled with excitement. That excitement,…

Colorado SKIES Academy Culture: Learner-Led Conferences

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” — Plutarch An important component of Colorado SKIES Academy’s approach to project-based learning is empowering kids to take ownership of their work. One way we do…

Colorado SKIES Academy Culture: Components of Social-Emotional Learning — Curiosity

“Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.” — Golda Meir Within the Colorado SKIES Academy education model, we believe kids are more empowered to learn and retain knowledge when learning…

Colorado SKIES Academy Culture: Components of Social-Emotional Learning — Self-Control

By definition, social-emotional learning (SEL) helps kids tap into their emotions and how they affect what they do. So it should follow that an essential component of SEL is an understanding of self-control, or self-management. As defined by the Collaborative…

Colorado SKIES Academy Culture: Components of Social-Emotional Learning — Growth Mindset

At Colorado SKIES Academy, we believe when kids learn how to face challenges, they grow into leaders. As part of our emphasis on social-emotional learning (SEL), we believe it’s important to develop what we call a growth mindset. Let’s do…

Colorado SKIES Academy Culture: Components of Social-Emotional Learning — Purpose

“The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe “Living with purpose.” The phrase evokes a range of thoughts and emotions, doesn’t it? When…

Colorado SKIES Academy Culture: Real-World Experiences

Consider this for a moment: What would be an ideal way to learn about flight and all that it involves? Do textbooks, lectures, and maybe a few videos help learners gain a firm grasp and understanding of the concepts?  What…

Colorado SKIES Academy Culture: Project-Based Learning

Spend even just a few moments inquiring about Colorado SKIES Academy’s approach to education, and one of the first things you’ll hear about is project-based learning, or PBL. It’s at the core of our approach to school and a proven…