Author: Colorado SKIES Academy
After School Support
Colorado SKIES Academy now offers free after school tutoring and support in Language Arts and Math. If you are interested in scheduling regular support, please contact to signup. Tutoring will be available Monday through Thursday from 3:45 – 4:45…
Before School Clubs
Colorado SKIES Academy doors are open each morning at 7:00 AM. All learners will be invited to join morning clubs hosted by CSA facilitators.
Preparing for Winter Weather
We want to encourage you and your family to join us in planning for winter-related weather that could cause a school delay, early dismissal or school cancelation. Colorado SKIES Academy will be using the following guidelines to make every effort…
Podcasts Are Effective Learning Tool
Podcasts have become extremely popular. But they are not only popular with adults. They can be very popular with young learners as well. Podcasts can provide new subject matter that not only keeps learners more engaged, but also allows them…
Pre-Halloween Costume Day
The staff and learners want to thank everyone for their wonderful donation of candy, cookies and other items so that the learners could have an amazing Halloween party on Thursday, October 28th. Your amazing donations put a smile on so…
Veterans’ Day
The Parent Action Committee (PAC) is working on plans for CSA’s Veterans’ Day commemoration on Wednesday, November 10th. Please mark your calendars now. There will be more information to follow. If you are interested in helping plan this wonderful event,…
Preparing for Winter Weather
We want to encourage you and your family to join us in planning for winter-related weather that could cause a school delay, early dismissal or school cancelation. Colorado SKIES Academy will be using the following guidelines to make every effort…
After School Support
Colorado SKIES Academy now offers free after school tutoring and support in Language Arts and Math. If you are interested in scheduling regular support, please contact to signup. Tutoring will be available Monday through Thursday from 3:45 – 4:45…
Before School Clubs
Colorado SKIES Academy doors are open each morning at 7:00 AM. All learners will be invited to join morning clubs hosted by CSA facilitators.
Upcoming Events
Revised Academic Calendar for 2021-2022 November 5 – Week Two Academic Reports November 10 – Veterans’ Day Assemblies November 11th – Veterans’ Day / NO SCHOOL November 18 – CSA Board Meeting November 19 – Progress Reports November 22-25 – Thanksgiving…
Colorado SKIES Academy Culture: Components of Social-Emotional Learning — Zest
“Enthusiasm is the electricity of life.” —Gordon Parks Central to the Colorado SKIES Academy approach to project-based learning is a belief that education works best when it’s energetic. Rather than being stale and rote, it’s filled with excitement. That excitement,…
Upcoming Events
Revised Academic Calendar for 2021-2022 Oct. 25 School in Session Oct. 25 First Day of Quarter 2 Oct. 28 CSA Board Meeting 5:30 PM in Synergy Oct. 29 …
Immunization Updates
For the 2021-2022 school year in Colorado: Beginning in the 2021-2022 school year (7/1/2021), the process of submitting a nonmedical exemption will change. There will be two ways to submit a nonmedical exemption. Submit the Certificate of nonmedical exemption WITH…
Please continue reporting COVID-19 or other illnesses to Please let her know if you have any questions or concerns about your learner’s health.
Preparing for Winter Weather
We want to encourage you and your family to join us in planning for winter-related weather that could cause a school delay, early dismissal or school cancelation. Colorado SKIES Academy will be using the following guidelines to make every effort…
Before School Clubs
Colorado SKIES Academy doors are open each morning at 7:00 AM. All learners will be invited to join morning clubs hosted by CSA facilitators.
After School Support
Colorado SKIES Academy now offers free after school tutoring and support in Language Arts and Math. If you are interested in scheduling regular support, please contact to signup. Tutoring will be available Monday through Thursday from 3:45 – 4:45…
Colorado SKIES Academy Culture: Learner-Led Conferences
“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” — Plutarch An important component of Colorado SKIES Academy’s approach to project-based learning is empowering kids to take ownership of their work. One way we do…
Upcoming Events
Revised Academic Calendar for 2021-2022 Oct. 11 End of Distance Learning Oct. 11 All Learner Assignments Due In Schoology Oct. 12 In Person Learning Resumes Oct. 13 …
Lost And Found
All CSA Lost and Found items will be on display in the parking lot during car line pick-up on Thursday, October 14 and Friday, October 15, 2021. We have quite a few water bottles and clothing items. Please encourage your…
Weather Balloon Launch Update
The weather balloon launch is set for Wednesday, Oct 13th at 2:45 pm. We want to invite all Grade 6 families to join us for an outdoor event at Wings Exploration of Flight. Grade 6 families, please contact your learner’s…
Colorado SKIES Academy Culture: Components of Social-Emotional Learning — Curiosity
“Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.” — Golda Meir Within the Colorado SKIES Academy education model, we believe kids are more empowered to learn and retain knowledge when learning…