Monday message 09.04.2023

4 photo collage, 3 planes and 1 photo of a parent and a learner laughing

Dear Colorado SKIES Academy Families,

What another fantastic week of learning at CSA! The learners are finalizing their first project, City in the Sky, and we can’t wait to see them share their experience with you during their first Presentation of Learning of the year that’s coming up in each grade level over the next couple of weeks!

We spent a good portion of the week finishing up NWEA MAP testing so that, if necessary, we can move learners in their content classes based on the assessment scores. We also had an all-school assembly on Wednesday morning to reiterate our community expectations and talk to learners about the vandalism in the bathrooms, cave planets, and throughout the building that continues to take place. Our facilitators and care team members are working hard to be role models for the learners and work with them to exemplify our community expectations. We continue to be inspired by the light bulb moments we see on learners’ faces, the smiles and laughter throughout the school, and knowing that we are making a small difference in their lives every day.

Back-to-school reminders:

CSA learners received their photo ID cards last week. As a reminder, we have implemented additional safety measures this year so every learner is required to wear their grade-level colored lanyard around their neck with their photo ID at all times. If they break or lose it, they will get one replacement at no charge, and each additional lanyard will be $5.

As mentioned last week, you should also be seeing your learner’s student planner come home in the evenings (M- Th) for your review and sign-off. Every learner has a planner and is expected to have it with them during all classes. If they lose their planner, we will give them one free replacement, and additional planners will be $5 each.

Please review the Family Guidebook, including our CSA Core Values and Learner Creed: 

  • As a learner at CSA, I will do my best to walk with integrity and honor those around me, and avoid intentionally offending others. I will not accept the improper conduct of others and will GROW in Greatness, Respect, Ownership, and Wonder every day to make every moment of learning count. I promise to be an active participant in my education.

CSA expectations for school behavior are:

  • I will do nothing to harm myself or others.
  • I am responsible for my behavior.
  • We are each other’s keepers.
  • I take pride in myself and in my work.
  • I will leave it better than I found it.

Some additional back-to-school reminders:

  • Cell phones must be in backpacks by the start of Flight Crew (period 1) and must remain in backpacks until the dismissal bell. Any cell phone not in a backpack will be confiscated, and a parent or guardian will need to pick it up from the office at the end of the day.
  • Please remember to follow the drop-off and pick-up procedures as outlined here. Please note: the speed limit in the CSA parking lot, from entrance to exit, is 5 mph.
  • Join the CSA Family Connection Facebook page
  • Follow the Colorado SKIES Academy Facebook page
  • Carpool Signup
    • Once you sign up, you should receive a confirmation email with the map link. Please check your spam folder if you don’t see the confirmation email in your inbox. For reference, the carpool map may also be found on this page.
  • Learner fees can be paid here.
  • Punch passes for after-school clubs can be purchased here.
  • Lastly, the CSA Spirit Store is now live on our website! If there’s anything you’d like to see in the store that isn’t there currently, please email to request that your item be added.

Please check out the “Upcoming Events” calendar, including dates and times for learners’ first Presentation of Learning of the year, “Wingman for a Day” dates, Back to School Night, Travelin’ Tom’s Coffee Truck and Kona Ice dates, and aviation-focused events happening next door at Wings Over the Rockies Exploration of Flight. and be sure to read more about Individualized Learning Plan discussions coming up next month!

Other topics covered in this week’s articles:

  • CSA Wingman For A Day
  • Mobile App: CSA Flight Controls
  • What is Project-Based Learning?
  • Presentation of Learning: What is it?
  • Individualized Learning Plans
  • Athletic Development on Thursdays
  • 2023-24 Academic Schedule and Before/After School Schedule
  • Thought of the Week

Christa Coryell
CSA Acting Director

Descriptions of this week’s photo collage:

  1. The silver plane is the 1920s Ford Tri-motor.
  2. Red plane is the Commemorative Air Force Central Texas Wing C-47.
  3. “That’s All, Brother” was the lead C-47 for the main invasion at Normandy. This is not one painted like it, rather this is the actual airplane.
  4. CSA parent and CEO of Globularity, Dr. Mirka Wilderer, gave a TED Talk and discussed #water treatment on the blue planet  and in space.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events Colorado Skies Academy

Note: Please click the links below to learn more about each event.

Weekly In-Person Tours and Information Sessions:
School Tours for Prospective Families, 10:30-11:30 am, 4:30-5:30 pm on Tuesdays

Monday, February 12:
Simulator Training, 8:30-10:00 am

Monday, February 12:
Talk, Chris Wright, CEO of Liberty Energy, “Bettering Human Lives: Perspectives on Energy, Climate, and Poverty,” 10:00-11:00 am

Friday, February 16:
Simulator Training, 9:30-11:00 am

Thursday, February 22:
Regular Board Meeting, 5:45 pm, CSA
Please join us to hear from the CSA learners about their trip to India!

Friday, February 23:
Simulator Training, 9:30-11:00 am

Saturday, February 24:
Public Safety Day, 10:00-2:00 pm

Monday, February 26:
Simulator Training, 8:30-11:00 am

More details to come, but please be aware that the next Presentation of Learning for 6th grade will be on Tuesday, March 5th and for 7th grade on Wednesday, March 6th.

*Admittance to Exploration of Flight is free for CSA Learners with their student membership. The EoF staff has a list of current CSA learners so all they need to do is give their name!

New CSA families receive a 20% discount on family memberships to Wings Over the Rockies Museum, valid at both museum locations (Centennial & Lowry). A daily entry fee may also be paid to gain entry to the events at the museum. Please contact for more information about museum memberships for CSA families.

Wingman for a Day

CSA Wingman For A Day

Host a WINGMAN FOR A DAY and earn your wings! Mark your calendars for Wednesdays: September 6, 13, 20, and 27  from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. As a proud CSA learner, we are recruiting you to invite your friends,…

image of flight control icons

Mobile App: CSA Flight Controls

Mobile App: CSA Flight Controls for Colorado SKIES Academy school-related information shortcuts are now available! Instructions to add the page to your mobile device will appear on your screen when you click the Mobile Flight Controls link.  

Colorado Skies Academy Learner Presentation

What is Project-Based Learning?

At Colorado SKIES Academy, Project-Based Learning (PBL) is at the core of what we do. PBL is a teaching method in which students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects, preparing them for life in the global…

Presentations of Learning logo image in blue front, CSA

Presentations of Learning: What is it?

At Colorado SKIES Academy, the project-based learning (PBL) emphasis is on the process rather than the product. As part of the PBL process, learners create and share Presentations of Learning (POL). The POL is an opportunity for learners to showcase…

3 CSA learners proudly showing off their team building project

Individualized Learning Plans

Colorado SKIES Academy embraces the whole child, focusing on both social-emotional and academic skills. At the start of each school year, in lieu of the traditional parent/teacher conference, learners and their facilitators, in collaboration with parents/guardians, create an Individualized Learning…

Image of 4 people giving thumbs up signal

Athletic Development on Thursdays

We now have Athletic Development on Thursdays after school in place of VR Club! If you missed the athletic development orientation on Thursday, August 24, please contact Mr. Cronin for more details about the competitive intramural club, expectations, competitions, history, and program…

"After School Clubs" in dark blue font on light blue background

2023-24 Academic and Before/After School Schedule

School hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:00-3:30 pm, and 8:00-1:00 pm on Friday. We follow a block schedule (A/B days, splitting classes across two days). As a reminder, the block schedule consists of 90-minute periods and will allow our learners…

lightbulb on yellow background

Thought of the Week

“Great industries are never made from single companies. There is room in space for a lot of winners.” -Jeff Bezos