Monday message 05.22.2023

The CSA building- large, cylinder shaped building with learners walking in front of it

Hello Colorado Skies!!

We are in the home stretch of this school year and have successfully launched the 8th grade to their next great thing. I am so incredibly proud of your learner and how much they grew this year. I had the opportunity to listen to some of their Showcases of Learning, and I am so impressed with their reflection on this year and hearing about their favorite projects. Thank you so much for giving us the honor and privilege to be part of their middle school story.

Please check out the “Upcoming Events” calendar as well as the detailed articles below for more information regarding:

  • 6th & 7th Grade End of Year Information
  • Summer Events @ CSA
  • Fall Return Dates
  • 2023-24 Schedule Changes
  • Summer Athletic Development Invitation
  • Thought of the Week

Thank you for your attention to these important issues. As always, feel free to reach out to me with additional questions and concerns.



Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events Colorado Skies Academy

Note: Please click the links below to learn more about each event.

Weekly In-Person Tours and Information Sessions:
School Tours for Prospective Families, 10:30-11:30 am, 4:30-5:30 pm on Tuesdays

Monday, February 12:
Simulator Training, 8:30-10:00 am

Monday, February 12:
Talk, Chris Wright, CEO of Liberty Energy, “Bettering Human Lives: Perspectives on Energy, Climate, and Poverty,” 10:00-11:00 am

Friday, February 16:
Simulator Training, 9:30-11:00 am

Thursday, February 22:
Regular Board Meeting, 5:45 pm, CSA
Please join us to hear from the CSA learners about their trip to India!

Friday, February 23:
Simulator Training, 9:30-11:00 am

Saturday, February 24:
Public Safety Day, 10:00-2:00 pm

Monday, February 26:
Simulator Training, 8:30-11:00 am

More details to come, but please be aware that the next Presentation of Learning for 6th grade will be on Tuesday, March 5th and for 7th grade on Wednesday, March 6th.

*Admittance to Exploration of Flight is free for CSA Learners with their student membership. The EoF staff has a list of current CSA learners so all they need to do is give their name!

New CSA families receive a 20% discount on family memberships to Wings Over the Rockies Museum, valid at both museum locations (Centennial & Lowry). A daily entry fee may also be paid to gain entry to the events at the museum. Please contact for more information about museum memberships for CSA families.

the word "Update" in white on black background

6th & 7th Grade End of Year Information

While our 6th and 7th-grade learners have one more week of school after the 8th-grade learners depart, the end is still coming quickly! Below is a list of important dates.  May 22: All late/missing work due for 6th/7th graders May…

the text "save the date" in blue font on a beige background

Summer Events @ CSA

This summer, we will be hosting Family Nights for new and returning families, as well as those who are interested in our school. We will host activities such as water rockets, a rover maze, astronomy, 3D design and laser cutting,…

pathway with fall trees on both sides

Fall Return Dates

Mark your calendars for our Fall Return dates! New Family Orientation is on August 9 from 12:30-5:30 pm. Back to School Block Party for all families, new and returning, on August 9 from 5:45-7:45 pm.  We will have stations for…

image of a megaphone being held against a blue sky

2023-24 Schedule Changes

Next year, we will be starting school a little bit earlier, but also ending the day earlier, Monday THROUGH Friday. We will no longer be having an early dismissal day. Our school days will be from 7:30 am-2:45 pm every…

image of all hands in

Summer 2023 Athletic Development Invitation

Message from Coach Shane Cronin: I am writing to invite you to join us this summer for the SKIES Athletic Development @ Evolve Performance. Athletes of all sports will benefit from our athletic development and sports performance training. Results are…

lightbulb drawn on chalkboard

Thought of the Week

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard..” – A.A. Milne