Join the School Accountability Committee to collaborate with parents, staff members, learners, and community members. Together, we play an active role in school decision-making, contributing ideas and providing feedback on important school policies, budgeting, and overall improvement strategies. This is your opportunity to make a difference in our school’s future!
This committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Directors about school priorities for spending, programs or changes to improve learner achievement and performance, and assisting with implementing plans at the school and increasing parent engagement with the direction of the school.
Colorado SKIES Academy will not discriminate in its enrollment on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, ancestry, need for special education services or need for English language support services. Colorado SKIES Academy will comply with all applicable, approved policies and regulations and the requirements of federal and state law concerning the education of children with disabilities. No student will be denied admission because of academic performance. Please see “Successful Student Characteristics” on our website for further details.