Piloted by Facilitator, Shane Cronin
Climb into the virtual cockpit, complete with joysticks, pedals, multiple screens and projectors! Learn about the newest technologies, flight simulators, and participate in interactive gaming, piloting 5th Generation jet fighters and other aircraft. This is an evening to push the envelope!
Pizza, drinks and snacks will be available for purchase.
All food and beverage sales will be used to support our learners’ “real world” aerospace experiences, such as Glider Flights, rocket Launch Florida trip, and Technical Student Association competitions.
CSA Summer Nights will be going on every week through June and July. Check our Events Calendar to learn more about each event and to RSVP to as many as you like.
Events are open to ALL new and existing learners and their families.
Colorado SKIES Academy will not discriminate in its enrollment on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, ancestry, need for special education services or need for English language support services. Colorado SKIES Academy will comply with all applicable, approved policies and regulations and the requirements of federal and state law concerning the education of children with disabilities. No student will be denied admission because of academic performance. Please see “Successful Student Characteristics” on our website for further details.