CSA Dismissal Procedures

We are including this information CSA Dismissal Procedures again as many parents have asked us and we want to be sure everyone has the correct information.

All learners have been assigned a carline number and have been given their placard for parents to hang from their mirror at dismissal. The carline opens at 2:45 pm for both lanes to be occupied. If you enter the parking lot before 2:45 pm, please line up on the inside lane closest to the sidewalk. One lane of our parking lot must remain open until 2:45 pm in case of an emergency. Please be aware that if any cars are in the outside lane (farthest away from the sidewalk), you will be asked to move to the end of the line of cars in the inside lane (lane next to the sidewalk).

The dismissal bell rings at 3:00 pm, and learners will exit out of the front doors based on their group number. Their group number is determined by their car’s place in the carline. The adult at the crosswalk will direct learners to walk down the center line between the cars. Another adult will stand at the end of the lane before the curve, and if learners get to that adult without seeing their car, they get on the sidewalk and walk back to the crosswalk. 

Once the front lanes of the carline look to have their learners, the adults at the crosswalk start releasing cars to exit the parking lot. They will be looking for a thumbs up or thumbs down from the driver in each car. A thumbs up indicates that the driver has their learner and is ready to leave. A thumbs down means that the driver does not have their learner so cannot exit the carline. This continues until the carline is cleared. Please do not call your learner over to your car. This causes confusion and delays in the dismissal process.

We are usually through the dismissal process in less than 15 minutes when directions are thoroughly followed. Please be patient as everyone gets used to the process, and please drive the speed limit, 5 mph, in our parking lot at all times. 

Entry into the CSA parking lot: From E. County Line Road, turn North onto S. Warren Court and then East (right) on Isbill Drive. Drive past the entrance to the Wings Over the Rockies parking lot and turn left into the CSA driveway. Drive around the circle to the front of the building to drop off or pick up your learner(s)

Exit out of the CSA parking lot: from the CSA parking lot, turn right on Isbill and then left onto Warren Court.

Colorado SKIES Academy
Colorado SKIES Academy is a free public charter school authorized by the Cherry Creek School District, open to students throughout the Arapahoe County and Douglas County areas. This STEAM middle school serving grades 6-8 is located at Centennial Airport next to Wings Over the Rockies Exploration of Flight.
Colorado SKIES Academy

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