CMAS Testing Information

We are excited to provide an opportunity for our learners to participate in this year’s round of testing to gauge their progress and continue receiving necessary grant funding! We have worked hard to create a schedule that will get through testing quickly. 

    • This schedule allows learners to focus on testing only on these specific days so that learners who are testing will have no academic classes on test days. 
    • If your learner participates in testing but misses one or more testing sessions due to illness, appointments, etc. they will be pulled out of class for makeup testing the week of April 10th 
    • If you decide to exempt your learner from testing, you must keep them at home as we will not have the staff capacity to engage non-testing learners.
  • NOTE: to best meet the requirements of these tests, please keep your learner’s cell phone, smartwatch, etc. at home on testing days!
  • On testing days, learners must enter through the front office and surrender any electronic devices before entering the building. 
    • All devices will be stored in a bag labeled with the learner’s name to ensure proper and orderly storage and return. 
    • The state does not allow learners to have access to electronic devices in between testing sessions, so they will get their electronics back at the end of the day.
Date Testing Grades Activity Dismissal Time
Monday, April 3  6, 7, 8 2:45 – 3:30 pm Million Dollar Project 

(Supply donations and/or volunteers needed!)

Learners may call for early pickup after their group is finished testing (between 2 – 2:45 pm)
Tuesday, April 4  6, 7, 8 2:45 – 3:30 pm

Leaning Tower of Pasta

(Supply donations and/or volunteers needed!)

Learners may call for early pickup after their group is finished testing (between 2 – 2:45 pm)
Wednesday, April 5  6, 7, 8 2:45 – 3:30 pm

Paper Roller Coasters

(Supply donations and/or volunteers needed!)

Learners may call for early pickup after their group is finished testing (between 2 – 2:45 pm)
Thursday, April 6 6, 7, 8 Full day of educational games, presentations, and learning fun!

(Supply donations and/or volunteers needed!)

While this day is educational, it is also not a typical day of instruction – feel free to keep your learner home if desired
Friday, April 7 6, 7, 8 NO SCHOOL – Professional Development NO SCHOOL – Professional Development
Monday, April 10  8 only No planned activity or learning after testing Learners may call for early pickup after their group is finished testing (after 1:30 pm)
Tuesday, April 11  8 only (few) Small groups of students (who have the accommodation of “extra time”) will finish testing April 11  Learners who are testing will call home for early pickup once finished (or they may stay for classes)

We Need Your Help!

Our School Accountability Committee is hoping to make state testing a little more fun by providing snacks and overseeing fun, hands-on activities between testing sessions. To accomplish this, we need your help – sign up here (or use the links in the schedule table above) to donate activity supplies/snacks or volunteer to help facilitate our planned activities today!

Purpose and Value of State Assessments

CMAS and PSAT/SAT are the only common assessments for Colorado students that measure real-world skills like problem-solving and critical thinking. The assessments are aligned to the college and career readiness standards that are taught in our classrooms and teachers do not “teach to the test.” Instead, good instruction based on the standards will be the best preparation for students.

In the Cherry Creek School District, results from the state assessments are combined with local assessments and other learners’ information to create a full picture of your learners’ experience in our schools. This helps parents and educators answer important questions such as:

  • Did your learner meet the expectations at their grade level to be on track for the next level of learning?
  • Does your learner need additional services and/or support?
  • How well did your learners perform compared to other learners across the state?
  • How well did your school do overall in meeting performance and growth goals throughout the year?

To ensure your learner has the best experience on test day, please make sure your learner is well-rested and has a good breakfast.

For more information about state testing in Colorado, click HERE.


If you must exempt your learner from state testing, please log in to your parent portal and click on the “State Assessment Exemption” tile. You may exempt your learner from all testing or just certain subjects. Remember, if you exempt your learner from testing they must stay home on testing days!

Colorado SKIES Academy
Colorado SKIES Academy is a free public charter school authorized by the Cherry Creek School District, open to students throughout the Arapahoe County and Douglas County areas. This STEAM middle school serving grades 6-8 is located at Centennial Airport next to Wings Over the Rockies Exploration of Flight.
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