Category: FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Project-Based Learning (PBL)? Project-Based Learning (PBL) allows children to learn curriculum through fun, meaningful, hands-on, and collaborative experiences. Projects inspire the children to learn and apply the content standards in a real-world, relevant way. Through research, self-discovery, and…

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Project-Based Learning (PBL)? Project-Based Learning (PBL) allows children to learn curriculum through fun, meaningful, hands-on, and collaborative experiences. Projects inspire the children to learn and apply the content standards in a real-world, relevant way. Through research, self-discovery, and…

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Project-Based Learning (PBL)? Project-Based Learning (PBL) allows children to learn curriculum through fun, meaningful, hands-on, and collaborative experiences. Projects inspire the children to learn and apply the content standards in a real-world, relevant way. Through research, self-discovery, and…

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Project-Based Learning (PBL)? Project-Based Learning (PBL) allows children to learn curriculum through fun, meaningful, hands-on, and collaborative experiences. Projects inspire the children to learn and apply the content standards in a real-world, relevant way. Through research, self-discovery, and…

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Project-Based Learning (PBL)? Project-Based Learning (PBL) allows children to learn curriculum through fun, meaningful, hands-on, and collaborative experiences. Projects inspire the children to learn and apply the content standards in a real-world, relevant way. Through research, self-discovery, and…

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Project-Based Learning (PBL)? Project-Based Learning (PBL) allows children to learn curriculum through fun, meaningful, hands-on, and collaborative experiences. Projects inspire the children to learn and apply the content standards in a real-world, relevant way. Through research, self-discovery, and…

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Project-Based Learning (PBL)? Project-Based Learning (PBL) allows children to learn curriculum through fun, meaningful, hands-on, and collaborative experiences. Projects inspire the children to learn and apply the content standards in a real-world, relevant way. Through research, self-discovery, and…

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Project-Based Learning (PBL)? Project-Based Learning (PBL) allows children to learn curriculum through fun, meaningful, hands-on and collaborative experiences. Projects inspire the children to learn and apply the content standards in a real-world, relevant way. Through research, self-discovery, and…

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a charter school? Charter schools are tuition-free public schools overseen by the local school district or county, but are free to govern themselves and create their own educational program. Charter schools operate independently of the local school board,…

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a charter school? Charter schools are tuition-free public schools overseen by the local school district or county, but are free to govern themselves and create their own educational program. Charter schools operate independently of the local school board,…

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a charter school? Charter schools are tuition-free public schools overseen by the local school district or county, but are free to govern themselves and create their own educational program. Charter schools operate independently of the local school board,…

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a charter school? Charter schools are tuition-free public schools overseen by the local school district or county, but are free to govern themselves and create their own educational program. Charter schools operate independently of the local school board,…

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a charter school? Charter schools are tuition-free public schools overseen by the local school district or county, but are free to govern themselves and create their own educational program. Charter schools operate independently of the local school board,…

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Project-Based Learning (PBL)? Project-Based Learning (PBL) allows children to learn curriculum through fun, meaningful, hands-on and collaborative experiences. Projects inspire the children to learn and apply the content standards in a real-world, relevant way. Through research, self-discovery, and…

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are “students” called “learners” and “teachers” called “facilitators” at CSA? At Colorado SKIES Academy, we call our teachers Facilitators because their role is to facilitate learning each day. We choose to call our students “Learners” because that is exactly…

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you teach the Common Core Standards / Colorado State Department of Education Standards? Yes. However, our learners acquire a deep understanding of these standards through Project Based Learning (see below). As a publicly funded school, our learners participate in…

Frequently Asked Questions

Life After Middle School: One of our most common questions from parents is wondering what the path is for CSA learners after middle school. CSA will provide all the options available for your young person to continue in their pathways…