Ground-Breaking Ceremony – Friday, December 13
This will be a great celebration for the huge step forward of breaking ground for our brand-new building! Please join us either to volunteer or connect with other families and staff.
Facilitator Appreciation – Thursday, December 19
Connect with us to offer your support for our great facilitators for the first semester completed! The CSA team has been working so hard for our kids. We want to show how much we appreciate them by treating them with good food and gratitude. Please contact Sherri Pratt or Tammi Hoerner to get involved.
We are always seeking more help. It takes a lot of energy and coordination to pull these things together. From in-classroom to event planning, support, and everything in between. From an hour a month to a many hours a month — whatever you can do — we could use your help.
Thank you!
Tammi & Sherri Co-Chair PAC