A Message from the Director

Hello, CSA!

As we continue with our online learning for this coming week before Thanksgiving Break (November 23-27), we are preparing for everyone to return to in-person learning on Tuesday, December 1. Please note that Monday, November 30, is a Staff Professional Development day, when CSA staff will be on site but learners have one more day of vacation. 

A survey was sent out for all CSA families, learners, and staff to consider some different scheduling options. We are working hard to find ways to mitigate the number of people exposed so we do not have to close the entire school. Please lend your opinion when you rank the options from #1 (best choice) to #4 (least preferred choice). We want to be able to share the results from each of these groups at the next CSA Board Meeting on Thursday, November 19, at 5:30 p.m. Please remember that the board meetings are open to the public. The link to the meeting is on the agenda and can be found on the CSA website under the About tab where all of the other CSA board information is located.

In the spirit of transparency to you, our valued families, it is important that you know the steps CSA takes whenever a positive COVID case is reported. All of the steps that are taken, the members of the CSA COVID Response Team, and the reference documents the COVID Response Team uses, in coordination with Tri-County Health, are on our website under 2020-21 School Year for your reference. Hopefully, this information, along with scheduling decisions as outlined in the survey, will provide you with answers to many of your questions. As I stated in last week’s message, we, the CSA administrative team, have been tapping into our resources and exploring any and every option for scheduling, building safety protocols, CDC and CDPHE protocols, to provide you with some viable options on how we can return to school and reduce the number of staff/learners who are exposed so we can remain up and running if there is another positive COVID case at CSA.

CSA Town Hall – Returning to School: Date TBD

We want to see our learners in person because this is the preferred way to engage in project-based learning. We want you, our families to have all the information you need to be confident that your learner, and your family, are in a safe, healthy learning environment upon our return. We think this can best be accomplished with a “CSA Town Hall” meeting. In the next few days, we will be sending out the date, time, and Zoom link for the CSA Town Hall via Blackboard Connect.

Parent Assistance – Lunch/Recess Monitors – Help Needed

Once we return, we need more parents who are willing to give two hours of their day to be a volunteer lunch/recess monitor. With parent support to supervise learners during this time, our facilitators get some much-needed planning time and scheduled office hours to support learners when they are working on assignments in Study Hall. Please contact Assistant School Director Josh Rau if you have some time you can give.

Nothing could have ever prepared any of us for this time. To achieve the extraordinary, it takes a community of people who are willing to do the unconventional. It takes a community who band together and embraces the motto “The sky is not the limit when our imaginations are unlimited.” Being unconventional means we are willing to stretch ourselves, think outside the box, and imagine “What if?” to keep our learners in person with their fellow learners and facilitators. I know it can be done, and I know it will continue to be challenging for all of us: families, learners, staff, and community supporters. We are the CSA community, and we are the embodiment of the CSA motto. For us, this is an opportunity to stretch our thinking, push the envelope, and embrace new ideas and their implementation in ways we never could have imagined. I am honored to be on the CSA team with you. We will embrace our present circumstances and create something truly extraordinary I know it! It’s just a matter of time and opportunity.

Fondest regards,

Suzanne Acheson
School Director

Colorado SKIES Academy
Colorado SKIES Academy is a free public charter school authorized by the Cherry Creek School District, open to students throughout the Arapahoe County and Douglas County areas. This STEAM middle school serving grades 6-8 is located at Centennial Airport next to Wings Over the Rockies Exploration of Flight.
Colorado SKIES Academy

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