A Message from the Director

Dear CSA Families,

Welcome to Spirit Week for the week of March 9-13! Our Learner Leadership headed up our Spirit Week, and we hope all of our learners actively participate. The week will culminate on Friday with the final presentation of our incentives from the fundraiser and Fun Run. Our amazing CSA learners and their families raised a total of $15,420!!!! Spirit Week dress days and the Fun Run Incentive activities are as follows:

  • Monday – Sports Day
  • Tuesday – Twin Day
  • Wednesday – TV/Movie Character Day
  • Thursday – Tourist Day
  • Friday – Squadron Color Day
    • Alpha – Pink
    • Delta – Black
    • Foxtrot – Blue
    • Tango – Orange
    • Yankee/Zulu – White
  • Friday Fun Run Incentives
    • Tape Mrs. Acheson to the Side of the Modular
    • Pie in the Face of Your Favorite Facilitator
    • Cut off Mr. Vine’s Tie
    • Chick-fil-A Lunch with Mrs. Acheson 

This proves to be a great end to the quarter and a wonderful start to Spring Break!

And one more fundraising opportunity! Your learner will be bringing home a flyer that itemizes the needs for the CSA Gala Silent Auction. Please know that public charter schools depend on the support of our families. We don’t charge tuition and have very few fees for families, and your help in supplying an item or two is essential to help support your learner’s school. The gift baskets will be auctioned at the CSA Gala, and we hope that many of the aerospace industry attendees will bid often and bid high!

Please also know that we are working closely with the Cherry Creek School District and state health organizations to ensure that we follow all of the safeguards for Coronavirus to keep our learners, staff, and learners healthy.  

Continue to spread the good word about Colorado SKIES Academy! We currently are at a count of 169 learners with the goal of reaching 250 learners for the 2020-21 school year.

Warm regards,

Suzanne Acheson
School Director

REMINDER: If you want to enroll, please complete the open enrollment here. If you have any questions, please email Bri Jones or call 720-400-7612. A tour and/or a shadow for  your son or daughter may just open the doors to an amazing opportunity for learning! If you don’t believe me, check out our Facebook page!

Colorado SKIES Academy
Colorado SKIES Academy is a free public charter school authorized by the Cherry Creek School District, open to students throughout the Arapahoe County and Douglas County areas. This STEAM middle school serving grades 6-8 is located at Centennial Airport next to Wings Over the Rockies Exploration of Flight.