90-MINUTE DELAY on Tuesday, January 21

Colorado Skies Academy will be on a 90-MINUTE DELAY on Tuesday, January 21, due to forecasted low temperatures in the morning. 

The wind chill is expected to be well below zero at daybreak tomorrow. In that environment, frostbite is a very real risk for any exposed skin. A delay will give temperatures a chance to rise so that we don’t have kids and staff outside during the cold early morning hours. Thankfully, temperatures are forecasted to warm up during the day, with highs in the upper 30s to low 40s.

A 90-MINUTE DELAY means that school is delayed by an hour and a half.

  • CSA will open for drop-off at 9:00 a.m.

As always, in the case of inclement weather, we respect the decision of our parents to keep their children home, if needed - this will be an excused absence. If you choose to do so, please report the absence using the online form or by calling CSA.

Safety is a top priority, and we will keep in close contact with CCSD to monitor the storm and the road conditions. We will provide any updates on our website and social media.
Posted on: Jan 20, 2025 @ 13:41

A Message from the Director

Dear CSA Families,

It would be hard to miss what’s happening with our building construction! But just in case, every week we will be including a photo of our progress. Hope you enjoy seeing our continued progress!

Our first dance, CSA Starry Night, was a huge success! Learners, parents, and staff all had a wonderful time!

Below you’ll find important dates for your learner approaching soon, along with some updated information:

  • Last Monday of the Quarter (March 9): Any makeup assignments or past-due assignments are turned in to your facilitator.
    • When you look on PowerSchool, you will see three different grade types:
      • Blank = assignment has not been given yet.
      • NHI 50% = “Not Handed In” 50% = prior to March 9, this is an assignment your learner needs to complete and turn in. After March 9, it will remain as “NHI 50%” and will be part of the final grade.
      • Regular grade = assignment is turned in and recorded.
  • March 13: Quarter 3 ends
  • March 16-20: Spring Break
  • March 23: Hearing and vision screening for all grades 
  • March 28: CSA Reach for the Stars Gala (fundraiser with greater Denver Metro area aerospace companies invited to attend)
  • April 6-10: CMAS State Assessments at CSA (makeup testing scheduled after April 10): An information letter will be mailed home as the date approaches.
  • April 13-14: Learner-Led Conferences (facilitators will be sending schedules out for families to sign up)

Lastly, please compliment your learners on how well they’ve been taking care of their Chromebooks. We have had very few issues with the Chromebooks because the learners are taking such good care of the equipment. We will continue to maintain 1:1 technology, as it is a vital part of our curriculum and a valuable resource for our learners.

Continue to spread the good word about Colorado SKIES Academy!

Warm regards,

Suzanne Acheson
School Director

REMINDER: If you want to enroll, please complete the open enrollment here. If you have any questions, please email Bri Jones or call 720-400-7612. A tour and/or a shadow for  your son or daughter may just open the doors to an amazing opportunity for learning! If you don’t believe me, check out our Facebook page!

Colorado SKIES Academy
Colorado SKIES Academy is a free public charter school authorized by the Cherry Creek School District, open to students throughout the Arapahoe County and Douglas County areas. This STEAM middle school serving grades 6-8 is located at Centennial Airport next to Wings Over the Rockies Exploration of Flight.
Colorado SKIES Academy

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