We have had several issues with our lunch program, but both the district and CSA are working to resolve these issues as quickly as possible. Below are a few answers to “Frequently Asked Questions;” please take a few moments to review them for your own information.
- Titan accounts are linked to Cherry Creek Student ID numbers; if you’ve put money into Titan but your child hasn’t been able to access it at lunch, it’s because Cherry Creek hasn’t been able to get them loaded into the system and linked quite yet (they’re working as fast as they can!)
- Once funds are added to Titan, it takes around 24 hours for those funds to be available for use
- Learners can pay with cash for breakfast, lunch, seconds, or snacks — or bring their own lunch
- If a learner has no cash and can’t access their Titan account, they should still come to the counter and will receive a breakfast/lunch only (no snacks or second helpings without cash or money in Titan that can be accessed).