In-Person Tour and Information Session
These tours are done in a group setting, and seating is limited. Only...
Colorado SKIES Academy Families,
As we head into our final week before Fall Break, CSA has some important updates and news to share with families and stakeholders. Please be aware that all assignments for Quarter 1 are due by Tuesday, October 8th, unless otherwise arranged directly with a learner’s facilitator. CSA is offering an after-school study hall on Monday and Tuesday of this week so any learners with missing or late work can complete it. The charge is one punch pass, which drop-in punches can be purchased here if needed.
Exciting news! CSA is planning two high school transition fair events for our 8th graders. The first event will be on Tuesday, October 22nd, from 5:00-7:00 pm in the CSA Village. The second high school transition fair is Tuesday, October 29th, from 5:00-7:00 pm in the CSA Village (Brian – please add these events to the Community Calendar). More details will be sent once we confirm which schools will be present. Our team is spending a significant amount of time and energy to bring these opportunities to our families, and we hope that you find it informative and beneficial.
Please be aware that starting Monday, October 21st, late fees will be implemented for any late pickups from the CSA After School Clubs. The charge will be $5 per minute for any learner picked up after 5:00 pm. This includes any learners who are participating in after-school clubs for free. We want to be sure that families have options available to them to allow for flexibility at CSA while also respecting our staff’s time. The fees charged for late pickups will be used to pay the overtime salary of our after-school employees. Also, please remember that any learner remaining at school after 3:15 p.m. will be sent to the after-school club and charged a punch for the day. Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring that our school runs smoothly and effectively.
Our CSA learners have requested that Wednesday be CSA Spirit Wear Day and Friday be Sports Celebration Day. Learners are encouraged to wear their CSA spirit wear on Wednesdays and their favorite sports team apparel on Fridays.
In closing, please read through the articles in this week’s Flight Plan that include CSA Parent Training on Flight & Drone Simulators and Aircraft at Exploration of Flight, the air quality process used at CSA to determine outdoor activities, and CSA’s Co-Pilot for Day details. Be sure to check out CSA’s Community Calendar for details on upcoming events including monthly CSA board meetings, Co-Pilot for a Day events, and more! You’ll also find information about the many aviation-focused events happening soon at Wings Over the Rockies Exploration of Flight!
Please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns. We’re always here to support you and your learner and are excited to soar to new heights together!
In partnership, Directors Coryell and Motley
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”
These tours are done in a group setting, and seating is limited. Only...
We are recruiting our current learners and their friends, neighbors, and relatives to climb...
These tours are done in a group setting, and seating is limited. Only...
These tours are done in a group setting, and seating is limited. Only...
Any public records relating to an agenda item for an open session of the...
We are recruiting our current learners and their friends, neighbors, and relatives to climb...
These tours are done in a group setting, and seating is limited. Only...
These tours are done in a group setting, and seating is limited. Only...
CSA Facilitators are excited to offer learners the thrill of flight in pilot-quality simulators next door at Exploration of Flight (EoF)! The simulators recreate the experience of flight, giving participants a very realistic feel for the environment inside a cockpit….
CSA follows the Air Quality and Outdoor Activity Guidance for Schools to determine if learners can enjoy daily outdoor activities. Air quality is monitored here. Please direct any questions to
Host a CO-PILOT FOR A DAY and earn your wings! As a proud CSA learner, we are recruiting you to invite your friends, neighbors, and relatives to climb into the cockpit and see how an aviation & aerospace-focused 6-8th grade…
“It is difficult to understand the universe if you only study one planet.” -Miyamoto Musashi
Colorado SKIES Academy will not discriminate in its enrollment on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, ancestry, need for special education services or need for English language support services. Colorado SKIES Academy will comply with all applicable, approved policies and regulations and the requirements of federal and state law concerning the education of children with disabilities. No student will be denied admission because of academic performance. Please see “Successful Student Characteristics” on our website for further details.