
3 image of CSA learners and parents standing in front of a painted mural of a plane

Colorado SKIES Academy Families,

It was such an honor to celebrate our CSA Veterans and hear their inspirational stories shared during the Veterans Day assembly! Gratitude to Mr. Kemper and Mr. E. for organizing and executing such a memorable experience for our learners and families. Speaking of memorable experiences, we are excited to share photo galleries from our recent Project 1 Presentation of Learning days, the CSA Pumpkin Drop, and the Dia De Los Muertos celebration. Please click here to view the photos from these events!

Most CSA learners completed their Fall NWEA MAP assessments last week, and the family reports will be sent home with your learner in their Flight Crew class. We will complete the final makeup tests this week. Our CSA learners have been hard at work planning events for our community and they expressed interest in helping the school communities affected by the recent hurricanes. As a result, the  CSA Learner Ambassadors have organized this school supply drive.

The CSA Learner Ambassadors are organizing a Winter Dance and need your help. The dance is being held on Dec 13, 2024, after school from 3-5 pm. The theme for the dance is The Nightmare Before Christmas. We request your assistance with chaperones, food, drinks, music, decorations, and set-up & clean-up. Please help us by signing up here. If you have any questions, please contact the Learner Ambassador Advisors; Mr. Kemper or Ms. Kristoffersen. Thank you for all that you do for CSA and all the learners!!

Please remind your learners about our co-pilot shadow days where they can earn their wings! We encourage learners to invite friends, neighbors, and relatives to climb into the cockpit and see how an aviation & aerospace-focused 6-8th grade education takes flight at Colorado SKIES Academy! Guests will shadow as a “Co-Pilot for a Day” and get an up-close encounter with classes, projects, and facilitators. Co-Pilots will experience firsthand the unique learning opportunities your learner is experiencing every day here at Colorado SKIES Academy. Each pilot receives a unique CSA commemorative pin, and each co-pilot receives a CSA swag bag.

A friendly reminder to regularly check the CSA Community Calendar which usually includes the upcoming POL details, MAP testing dates, and other school events such as Tour and Co-Pilot days. We’re always here to support you and your learner and are excited to soar to new heights together! Please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.

In partnership, Directors Coryell and Motley

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”

Upcoming Events
Airplane cockpit with controls
Young aviator standing in front of an airplane

Co-Pilot for a Day

We are recruiting our current learners and their friends, neighbors, and relatives to climb...

Airplane cockpit with controls
Airplane cockpit with controls
Board Meeting
Hybrid Hybrid Event
Event Series

CSA Board Meeting

Any public records relating to an agenda item for an open session of the...

Young aviator standing in front of an airplane

Co-Pilot for a Day

We are recruiting our current learners and their friends, neighbors, and relatives to climb...

Airplane cockpit with controls
Airplane cockpit with controls

box with "donate" written on it

School Supply Drive

Hello CSA Community, We are hosting a school supply drive to gather supplies for a school that has been affected by the hurricanes in Florida. Please ask learners give any donations to their advisory teacher. The Advisory with the most…

3 CSA learners of merit holding up their awards

CSA Learners of Merit

We held our first CSA Learners of Merit Awards Ceremony on Friday, November 1, 2024. Five categories are awarded each quarter, with nominations being made by CSA facilitators, and include Silent Scholar, Leader, Academian, Helping Hands, and Tolerance Ambassador. The…

4 image collage of CSA learners dressed up in various halloween costumes

CSA Spirit Days

Hello CSA Families! I wanted to reach out and share some exciting news about upcoming Spirit Wear and Sportswear days at Colorado Skies Academy. Wednesday – Spirit Wear Wednesday: Every Wednesday, we encourage our learners and staff to wear Colorado…

A playful airplane constructed entirely from canned food

Wings Over the Rockies Museum: Build an Airplane Out of Food Challenge

Join us at Exploration of Flight as we wrap up our Food Drive! Enjoy aircraft, pilots, activities, and more! Receive $1 off with a donation of a non-perishable food or donation to the Food Bank of the Rockies!* Join us…

lightbulb on yellow background

Thought of the Week

“Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute.” – Gil Stern