In-Person Tour and Information Session
These tours are done in a group setting, and seating is limited. Only...
Colorado SKIES Academy Families,
It’s been a great first couple of weeks! We hope that you’ve been hearing about your learner’s first mini-project last week involving the International Space Station! Learners also completed their NWEA MAP testing and were placed in their math and reading ability groups. We appreciate your continued patience as we work through all of the new processes and procedures for the new year.
We ask that you read the Weekly Flight Plan in its entirety for important reminders and updates.
Express Check-In Forms:
Home Language Survey:
After School Clubs:
Dismissal Procedure:
Per Colorado statute C.R.S 22-7-1013(7) requirements:
Community Calendar:
Welcome back, and let’s soar to new heights together!
In partnership, Directors Coryell and Motley
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”
These tours are done in a group setting, and seating is limited. Only...
We are recruiting our current learners and their friends, neighbors, and relatives to climb...
These tours are done in a group setting, and seating is limited. Only...
These tours are done in a group setting, and seating is limited. Only...
Any public records relating to an agenda item for an open session of the...
We are recruiting our current learners and their friends, neighbors, and relatives to climb...
These tours are done in a group setting, and seating is limited. Only...
These tours are done in a group setting, and seating is limited. Only...
Dear CSA Families, I appreciate all of your patience and understanding with our delay in sending out this information. As we transitioned to Charter School Institute over the summer, we worked diligently to ensure that all of our policies and…
It was such a pleasure to meet our new families and have meaningful conversations about how we do school at CSA. Additional information about the topics that were covered are linked below for anyone who would like to review. Ms….
Flight Crew: Learners met their Squadron Commanders for Flight Crew. Learners who didn’t attend will see their Flight Crew posted on the wall to the right of the entrance doors, outside the Exploratorium. CSA’s Parent Action Committee (similar to PTO):…
“Space is for everybody. It’s not just for a few people in science or math, or for a select group of astronauts. That’s our new frontier out there, and it’s everybody’s business to know about space.” –Christa McAuliffe, Address to…
Colorado SKIES Academy will not discriminate in its enrollment on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, ancestry, need for special education services or need for English language support services. Colorado SKIES Academy will comply with all applicable, approved policies and regulations and the requirements of federal and state law concerning the education of children with disabilities. No student will be denied admission because of academic performance. Please see “Successful Student Characteristics” on our website for further details.